Node Fest à Paris le 20 et 21 Mars à la Petite Rockette


Node Fest


Le Node Fest est accueilli à Paris le 20 et 21 Mars à la Petite Rockette.
Le festival est une initiative de membres du Forte Prenestino


NODE FEST is an international festival dedicated to electronic and digital arts, that proposes the projects, the products and the works realized by artists and structures or indipendent productions and records who are afferming themselves in the countries visited each year.

This year, three cities in three different countries, European and non: on March the 20th-21st in PARIS, on April the 2nd-3rd in ISTANBUL; and on April the 16th-17th in ROME.
Art exhibits and documentary premieres, live performances, music, live-sets and multimedial installations, in an enormous joint show dedicated to electronic avante-garde, to underground digital productions and to the more contaminated and transversal forms of art expressions.
This project manifests a specific way to create art today, spreading culture and producing information, an open project, promoter of collaborations and contacts on an international level.


La Petite Rockette
6, Rue Saint Maur
(11ème Arrondissement)
